2024-04-1113/05/2024 JSPS Briefing session in Caen
2024-04-0516/04/2024 Les sangaku, la géométrie en place publique pendant la période d’Edo
2024-03-0625/03/2024 Psychology of Healthy Eating
2024-02-2219/03/2024 Les échanges gastronomiques franco-japonais/Franco-Japanese gastronomic exchanges
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2024-02-09All what you wish to know about deciphering KANJIS – history and innovative technologies
2024-02-0707/03/2024 JSPS Briefing session in Brussels
2024-02-0212/02/2024 Périphérie et pollution : Une brève histoire des Parias dans le Japon pré-moderne/Periphery and Pollution: A Brief History of Pariahs in Pre-modern Japan
2024-01-2430/01/2024 How did pioneer plants transition from water to land 500 million years ago?