2022-11-22History and influence of Kyudo in Japan
2022-11-01The JANET FORUM 2022 in Berlin, Germany
2022-11-012nd Workshop de l’Association des Anciens Boursiers Francophones de la JSPS
2022-10-22Symposium « Sustainable development: a challenge for the university » 30th anniversary of Kyoto University and University of Strasbourg exchanges
2022-10-12Les restructurations urbaines à Tokyo face au déclin démographique
2022-10-04Le miel: connaitre, comprendre et utiliser ses vertus
2022-09-29JSPS Information Session at University of Pisa
2022-09-29JSPS Information Session at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna
2022-09-29JSPS Information Session at University of Genoa